About Us
What is Greater Sullivan Strong?
Greater Sullivan Strong is a team of non-profit agencies, churches, schools, towns and local branches of State government. Under the Greater Sullivan Strong umbrella over 30 agencies (and growing!), municipalities, and numerous community representatives work together to respond to disasters in our region. Our purpose is to get direct services to organizations and people in need and to share resources and expertise to make sure support dollars are used in the most effective manner possible.
The Greater Sullivan County Public Health Region has merged with the Upper Valley Public Health Region for COVID-19 response. This group, called the Upper Valley MACE (Multi-Agency Coordinating Entity) is working to support COVID-19 emergency response with and for their 28 towns, 4 hospitals, and 100,000 citizens. MACE partners are made up of municipalities, fire departments, first responders, police departments, hospitals, family service organizations, colleges/schools and County government. We work with the Upper Valley MACE to obtain disaster-related information more effectively to create a more cohesive approach to disaster response and recovery.
We are your neighbors helping people whose lives have been impacted by disasters in our region. At our core, we are support agencies you already know, such as the Southwestern Community Services, TLC Family Resource Center, West Central Behavioral Health, and ServiceLink.
Greater Sullivan Strong Mission
Continuously scan and assess the on-going needs for the community at large. This includes system needs, community organization needs, supplies, and other needs as they arise
Work to triage any needs that are seen and determine the best person/agency to find a solution
Provide a prioritization of any funds that may come into the region during this time
Keep the community and community based organization apprise to any changes or asks that might be relevant
Encompass all of Greater Sullivan County Public Health Network - including: Acworth, Charlestown, Claremont, Cornish, Croydon, Goshen, Langdon, Lempster, New London, Newbury, Newport, Springfield, Sunapee, Sutton, Unity, Wilmot
Towns & Service Area
Our service region covers the entirety of the Greater Sullivan County Public Health Region. Towns our service area covers is: Acworth, Charlestown, Claremont, Cornish, Croydon, Goshen, Langdon, Lempster, New London, Newbury, Newport, Springfield, Sunapee, Sutton, Unity, Wilmot.