Local Resources for Families in Need
Town Welfare Office. All towns in New Hampshire are required to assist their residents with basic needs, which includes housing. If you need financial help, contact your town or city hall and ask for the welfare official. If the welfare official is not available, ask for the town or city manager.
South Western Community Services will be conducting housing assistance appointments by phone only. Please call 603-542-9528.
Call 2-1-1 in New Hampshire or visit their websites for housing resources including overnight shelter, rental housing, tenant rights, and more.
New Hampshire: www.211nh.org Vermont: www.vermont211.org

Click here for information on how CAPNH.org can help!
Evictions and Foreclosures
For up-to-date information regarding evictions and foreclosures in New Hampshire, please visit: nhlegalaid.org/legal-issues-during-covid-19-crisis
Southwestern Community Services
Serving Sullivan and Cheshire Counties
Phone 603-352-7512
NH Legal Aid
Legal Information, Referrals, and Pro Se Assistance
For additional Assistance:
- Contact the local CAP agency: www.CAPNH.org
- Call 2-1-1, https://www.211nh.org/, dial 211 from any NH phone, or call 1-866-444-4211
- Contact the DHHS Bureau of Housing Supports, 603-271-9196, or email dhhs.bhhs@dhhs.nh.gov
Resources for Shared and Congregate Housing
Administrators of Shared or Congregate Housing
- General Guidance for Administrators of Shared or Congregate Housing
- Print Resources
- Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Facility
- Cleaning and Disinfecting Decision Tool